For Immediate Release
Contact: Shelby Lentz
More Enhancements for Metalcasters
Bridgman, MI, October 16, 2020 – B&L Information Systems, the leader in ERP software for foundries, die casters and investment casters, has launched Odyssey 6.2MR6 for general availability. For this software update, B&L updated code tables, the A/P Module, among other notable updates.
“Odyssey 6.2MR6 contains many performance and productivity improvements. Among them are 13 enhancements taken directly from B&L’s Customer Feedback Forum. These are enhancement requests suggested by you, voted on by you, and added into the system to help your businesses run more effectively. In total, 6.2MR6 contains 46 new features†stated Brad Clark, Vice President - Research and Development.
One of the major enhancements to Odyssey 6.2MR6 is the addition of an active flag to codes tables. Twenty-four codes tables have been updated to include an active flag. Inquiry screens and lookups have been updated to initially show you only active codes. You can choose inactive flags through the lookup screen’s filters. Where appropriate, we have also added additional business logic to prevent adding or updating records that contain inactive codes.
Among the enhancements are several added to the A/P module. A new button was added to the A/P Manual Payment screen to allow posting payments directly from that screen. Now, you do not have to return to the Payment Selection screen to do your manual payments. We made several changes to ACH for NACHA to improve the overall process. ACH payments can now be sent as a batch, rather than all open payments. Each A/P Payment post is assigned a batch, and each batch can be posted separately.
Odyssey 6.2 MR6 information is now available via the B&L customer portal (Customer Login) for customers who host Odyssey on their own servers. Any assistance needed in the update process is free for any customers on maintenance with B&L. Odyssey customers on the B&L Cloud will be contacted by B&L's Technology Department with the update schedule.
About B&L Information Systems
B&L Information Systems is the global leader in cloud-based Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software for foundries, die casters and investment casters. Since 1976, B&L has implemented their unique ERP solutions at over 450 metalcasting operations, making their cloud-based Odyssey ERP match how metalcasters operate. With Odyssey, metalcasters maximize their resources, minimize costs, and make better decisions faster.
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