For Immediate Release
Contact: Alexandria Trusov
Phone: 269.465.6207 x 310
2015 class dates are:
Crystal Reports is a widely-used, business intelligence application. B&L clients use Crystal Reports to design and generate reports within the Odyssey ERP system. During the class, B&L clients will learn how to use Crystal Reports and how to navigate the Odyssey Database. After attending the B&L Crystal Reports class, attendees will know how to:
Those clients attending the February Crystal Reports class can further enhance their Odyssey education with B&L's "Odyssey Boot Camp", scheduled for February 18th and 19th. Over the course of two days, B&L's training staff will be demonstrating methods used to enter data and assisting students with company specific questions, as well as providing a high-level overview of the integration of the entire Odyssey software system. The Odyssey Boot Camp is ideal for new staff or for those who might like a refresher on Odyssey business processes.
B&L Information Systems is a global leader in providing integrated enterprise resource planning (ERP) for metalcasters. For over 35 years, B&L has used their deep understanding of the specific challenges and problems of foundries and die casters to create an ERP solution which matches the way metalcasters operate, making it easier to learn and use. With Odyssey, metalcasters will maximize their resources, minimize costs, and make better decisions faster.